ITS Arizona

Industry News & Job Opportunities

The Future of V2X: 30 MHz Application Map Webinar

On January 27, ITS America hosted a webinar with members of our Future of V2X Working Group to present the Working Group’s preliminary 30 MHz Application Map.  ITS America was joined by Mark Knellinger from Cisco, Jim Misener from Qualcomm, and John Kenney from...

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City of Yuma Employment Opportunity – Traffic Engineer

City of Yuma, AZ has an exciting opportunity for the position of Traffic Engineer. The Traffic Engineer performs the professional engineering work in reviewing and evaluating traffic engineering and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, development proposals,...

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Nominations for ITS Arizona Board of Directors

The upcoming election for the 2021 ITS Arizona Board of Directors is just around the corner, so now is the time to throw your name in the hat if you are interested in taking an active role in one of Arizona's premier professional organizations.   Whether you are...

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ITS AZ is hosting a free webinar/technical session on July 13th, 11 AM to 12 PM.  Topic: TRAFFIC SIGNAL TIMING: THE COMING REVOLUTION Speakers: Reggie Chandra, Ph.D, PE | President and CEO | Rhythm Engineering Reggie Chandra is the founder and CEO of Rhythm...

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ITS America files comment Opposing FCC 5.9GHz Proposal

The Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) has called on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to save lives on U.S. roadways by withdrawing its proposal to give away a majority of the spectrum used for transportation safety critical...

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ITS Arizona Internship Program

ITS Arizona is sponsoring an internship program to provide on-the-job experience and mentoring to a student aspiring to be a professional in the transportation and technology disciplines.  ITS Arizona will provide up to $5,000 in matching funds to a public agency...

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Chapter Sponsors



AM Signal


Power Tech Contracting




Hanwha Vision

Summit Traffic Solutions

How to Reach Us

ITS Arizona
PO Box 67043, Phoenix, AZ 85082