For many years, ITS Arizona has sponsored an internship program to help provide on-the-job experience and mentoring to an aspiring professional in the transportation and technology disciplines.  For 2018, ITS Arizona is partnering with the City of Glendale and will administer the program, including assistance with the selection and placement of the intern.  Interested applicants who are currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s Degree program with an engineering emphasis and an interest in transportation/traffic engineering are encouraged to apply.  A complete description of the internship opportunity, requirements and application links are available on the City of Glendale’s website here: ITS Internship Program.  First review of applications will occur on September 25 and will continue until the position is filled. 

In addition to responsibilities at the City of Glendale, the selected intern will be expected to fulfill the following commitments on behalf of ITSAZ:

  • Attend and observe ITSAZ monthly Board Meetings
  • Prepare and deliver an industry relevant presentation at an ITS Arizona event. A presentation abstract will be submitted to the ITS Arizona Board of Directors for approval.